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Transform your Realtor Reality

Leverage advanced AI to automate marketing,
make informed decisions, and keep track of
high potential leads.

Leverage advanced AI, automate marketing, make informed decisions, and keep track of high potential leads.

Instant Marketing Solutions


Services to help your
business drive success

Generating Ad Tool

Maximize your ad potential with our intuitive tool. Tailor captivating ads effortlessly for products, services, or specials. Drive results with ease.

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Social Media Tool

Master your social strategy with our analytics and scheduling tool. Gain insights  to refine your approach. Schedule posts on platforms for consistent communication.

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Blogs & Resources

Stay ahead in the real estate world with our blog page, for the latest industry news and insights. Explore updates on market trends  to fuel your success.

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Our Commitment, Your Success:

Explore testimonials from our valued clients and understand the impact of our partnership.

Thanks to SellStatic, I've seen a noticeable increase in my sales efficiency. Their intelligent pricing tools help me set the right price from the start, reducing time on market and delighting my sellers. It's an invaluable resource.
Amir Rehmani
Real Estate Agent
SellStatic has transformed the way I manage my real estate listings. Their AI-driven marketing tools have not only saved me time but have also increased my closing rates significantly. Every realtor needs this tool if they're serious about scaling their business!
Usman Khan
Real Estate Agent
SellStatic is the partner every real estate agent needs. Their advanced AI tools have streamlined how we approach sales, marketing, and client management. The impact on our daily operations and overall efficiency is phenomenal.
Team Suhail
Real Estate Team
As a realtor, making data-driven pricing decisions is crucial. SellStatic has provided me with the analytics I need to price homes competitively and accurately. My clients are happier and I feel more confident in my listings.
Nadeem Khalid
Real Estate Agent

Instant Marketing Solutions

Explore our portfolio of breakthrough real estate solutions powered by SellStatic AI. From dynamic web platforms that showcase properties in their best light to sophisticated apps that bring market intelligence to your fingertips, our work stands at the forefront of the real estate technology revolution.

Create an Ad Campaign

Create an ad using our customizable templates.

Fill In Text

Describe your ad and target audience

Add Images

Add images and a call to action for your add

Generate and view your ads

Create Ad Campaign

Create an ad using our customizable templates

Fill in Text

Describe your ad and target audience

Add Images

Add photos and a call to action for your ad


Generate your ad within seconds

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started with SellStatic?

To begin leveraging SellStatic’s AI for your real estate needs, simply sign up on our website and customize your web dashboard. Our intuitive platform will guide you through the setup process, and you'll be ready to access market trends, pricing strategies, and lead management tools in no time.

What kind of insights does SellStatic AI provide?

SellStatic AI analyzes real-time market data to offer insights into property values, market trends, and buyer behavior. With these insights, you can make informed decisions on pricing and selling strategies, ensuring you optimize your listings and maximize profits.

Can SellStatic integrate with my existing CRM?

Absolutely! SellStatic is designed to work seamlessly with your current CRM system. Our platform can sync with your database, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in managing your properties and leads.

Contact us now

Do you have a question? Contact us now!

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Our Location

4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada


At SellStatic, we are committed to providing exceptional support to our clients. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to assist with any inquiries or challenges you may encounter.